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All Rules in Influence (Cha)

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Make Requests

Source Pathfinder Unchained pg. 60
You can make a request of a creature if its attitude toward you is indifferent or better. Use the DC from the table in the Change Attitudes section, with one of the following modifiers. A creature that’s helpful typically gives in to most requests without a check unless the request is against its nature or puts it in serious peril. The GM might rule that some requests automatically fail if they’re against a creature’s values or nature.

RequestInfluence DC Modifier
Give simple advice or directions-5
Give detailed advice+0
Give simple aid+0
Reveal unimportant secret+5
Give lengthy or complicated aid+5
Give dangerous aid+10
Reveal an important secret+10 or more
Give aid that could result in punishment+15 or more
Additional requests+5 per request

Action: 1 or more rounds, depending on the complexity of the request.

Try Again: No, though you can make other requests of the same target.